Monday, June 20, 2011

Fun for Father's Day

My oldest sister Leah moved from Montana to California last week. Her family spent the last week at my parents' house. While they were here, Ty and I had the opportunity to spend some time with her kids (and my other sister, Amber's kids). Since there were 8 kids total (including ours), we decided to split up the group and only take 3 (and our 2) at a time. The older kids went first.
The next day, Ty and I took the younger 3 (along with Ian and Luke). The younger kids loved shooting Ty's airsoft guns! They couldn't wait to tell the older boys what they got to do :P
While they were here, we hit a friends pool and one of the many spray parks here.
Saturday, the day before Father's day, we had a big dinner at my parents' house. Boy was the house full!!!
We spent a quite day at our house on Sunday, for Father's Day. The boys and I made Ty a nice breakfast. After, Ty opened his gifts from the boys and then we went to the movies to see Kung Fu Panda~super-cute BTW.

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