Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bunk Beds

Ian is quickly growing out of his toddler bed. And since Luke's decided he'd rather sleep with brother than in his own bed, Ty and I decided the boys needed new beds (bunk beds). Instead of buying bunkbeds, Ty decided wanted to build them.

The guys sanding :P

The wood and the bottom bunk (Luke's future bed)

Yipee...one bed done!!! Yep, Luke still had to sleep with Ian.

Just a few more touches and...

Thanks Sean and Corey for the help.
Ty's original plan has drawers under the bottom bunk and a ladder/book shelf on the side of the beds (we'll be adding that at a later time, along with making it look like a space ship).


Jen said...

Love the heirloom beds that they will probably pass on down to their children.

Edward said...

Ty, you're the man, building your own fort and now furniture, that's sweet! good job dude