Monday, February 22, 2010

Apple Tree

Ian, Ty and I spent all week last week in preparation for our garden this year. The first of our spring planting started yesterday... Meet our newest Tree, Mrs. Apple. She produces 3 different kinds of apples, and will be harvest-able from late spring to winter! Ian was a little bummed this morning when he went to go visit the tree and there were no apples yet.
Mr. Grape will hopefully be planted today (he has to soak in some water first and we're hoping it doesn't start to rain). Ian and I will be planting the seeds for our Tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, strawberries and carrots tomorrow, that way our lettuce and broccoli (which are about ready to harvest) have some company.


Jen said...

Oh I am soo jealous. It's still too early here to even start seeds indoors as we won't be able to plant for another 2 1/2 months. What kind of apple tree is that? Our dog tore our new apple tree out of the ground a few months ago.

Orenda said...

It's got 3 different kinds of apples...fugi, granny smith and golden delicious