Our trip to Northern California was a lot of fun. We enjoyed 8 days with my family.
The first Sunday we were there we took the Ferry into San Francisco. Once we arrived in SF, we went to the Exploratorium there.
A & I waiting for the Ferry |
Magnetic sand |
Ty decided to go visit from friends in Sacramento, so the kids and I spent some time with my Dad. Monday, we went to Mc Donald's and played in their huge play area for 3hrs. Tuesday morning we went to the Sonoma Traintown and rode the mini-train, along with the Carousel.
Such a cool train |
Tuesday night I took the boys into Old Sacramento to visit the candy store and the toy store. It took them a while to look at everything before they decided on which toy and candy they wanted. Afterwards, we met up with my sister Jennifer for dinner at an amazing BBQ restaurant. Then we went to pick Ty up before heading back to my Dad's house.
The boys in Old Sac |
My Dad had a very special day planed for Wednesday. We got up early and drove towards Placerville to Black Chasm.
After the cavern, we went to an old Indian Village, Chaw Se.
Then it was off to Gold Bug Mine to explore an old gold mine. The boys really dug the hard hats they got to wear
After the mine, we went to Sutter's Mill to check out the old town there. Then it was back to the house for some much needed rest.
We took it a little easy on Thursday. We slept in a little, took a quick trip to the ER to find Luke has bad sinus', and then ended the day with a visit to the movie theater to see AVENGERS with my Dad and the kids.
Friday, we spent another day out and about. This time we went the opposite direction towards San Fran. Our first stop was one of the Nike missile sites...super-cool, btw. We ate lunch behind one of the old bunkers and then headed to Muir Woods.
We didn't get to see as much of the Muir Woods as we would have liked (we'll definitely have to go back).
Saturday, My Dad and Step-Mom took us to the Lindsay Wildlife Museum. They had some awesome exhibits. The kids really liked the Eagle presentation. They also liked pretending like they could fly.
Sunday morning we packed our things to head home. We had such an awesome time visiting with family. We can't wait to see them all again!!