My sister, my mom, the kids and I arrived at the Marriott Saturday afternoon. After unpacking, and a little trip to Target for swim wear, we went to the indoor pool for some splash time. Later that evening, Ian (he was one of the ring bearers) and I left for rehearsal and dinner with the wedding party, while my mom, sister and Luke stayed behind to eat, sleep (Luke) and play games.

Sunday morning I left the hotel at 8am to hitch a ride to the chapel to start getting ready with the other bridesmaids. Of course, my mom, sister and the boys arrived at 10am. Ty, my dad and brother-in-law (Alan) arrived around 10:30 right before the ceremony was to begin. The ceremony was beautiful. My cousin, Casey was absolutely gorgeous. ...and no I didn't cry.
After the ceremony and the pictures that followed, we drove to the reception site. Ty and the others went out for lunch, while I stayed to help with the finishing touches on the hall for the reception. As you can see from the photos we had a great time. I danced pretty much the whole time. Ian was out there getting his groove on for the most part, too.

I wish Casey and Jordan the very best! Congrats
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