There were so many great things that happened in 2008!
Ty and I came up with our top 12...
1. In March, We went to Goleta for Ty's Grandfather's 80th Surprise Birthday Party. There were alot of people there. We had a great time!
2. Sean and Serina's wedding, in April, was definitely one of the best things that happened this year. It was a small wedding, in San Diego. The weather was great! And Serina looked beautiful. .JPG)
3. In late June, we went to the Kern River and swam in "Hansen Pond"

4. We had an awesome time at one of my favorite places,
Cottonwood Cove, NV.
We were there in July for the week of my Birthday.
5. We went to Ventura Beach a couple times this year,
mostly late July and early August.
Ian really likes playing in the ocean and building castles with Ty.
6. Ty and I found out we were pregnant again late July after the miscarriage we had in June! So far everything is good and
As of today we only have 77days to go!
7. Ian's love for Ty's airsoft guns is too cute!
He will sit in Ty's lap and help him clean them for hours!
8. Ian turned "2" August 28th!
We took him to Rosemarie's for an Ice Cream Sundae.
He got it all over the place.
9.We took Ian to the Kern County Fair in September, with my parents. We got to see alot of animals. Ian liked the pigs the best! He was still too small for the Carnival Rides, but he was able to go on the bungee jumper. He LOVED the bungee jumper! .jpg)
11. My Mom's 50th Surprise party was a hit! Jessica and I had a rough start, but it ended up being a real nice party. Ty had this great idea for the cake. It took awhile to make! But it turned out awesome! We also made a slide show for my Mom of old and new pictures of her, she cried
of course!
12. The whole month of December was awesome. It started with the gingerbread houses. I got to plan the party we had for work, which was fun. Ian had his first program, where he sang 2 songs. Ty, Ian and I made snowmen out of Styrofoam. Ian was a big help making cookies. We all had alot of fun playing in the snow. And we loved the time we got to spend with family!
10. Halloween was a blast! We went to Murray Farms a couple weeks before Halloween and got to play in their maze. Ian, Nathan and Teresa got their faces painted. Ian got a spider painted on his face. We decided to dress up as Army People (and dog) for Halloween. Halloween night we went Trick-or-Treating in our neighborhood before we met up with Sean, Serina, Jon, Jo,
Teresa and Nathan.
of course!